Lingerie for men is now here to stay in the form of mangerie. Homme Mystere is listening to what men of this century desire. They are all about designing lingerie for men so that males may have the same lacey sexy feelings hidden behind their dressed facade that women have always been privy to. No longer are the days when a male cannot cry for fear of being taunted for not being manly. Men have evolved into not being afraid to show a bit of their feminine side through emotions and appearance.

Mangerie Steps Out of Closet onto Runway
There have always been men who secretly liked the feel of the feminine lingerie. Societal stigmas forced men in the past to discreetly purchase and wear the garments, afraid to show off their frilly dressed up selves to others. In April 2013 at the International Lingerie Show in Las Vegas, Homme Mystere took to the runway with sexy male models parading the lovely frilly and bowed undergarments designed specifically for men.
No longer do men have to squeeze into their female counterpart’s lingerie. Men now can buy garments made specifically to fit their own bodies. The United States is becoming the largest market for the Australian based Homme Mystere. Stores and distributers are quickly selling orders to the burgeoning metro sexual male community that fills the U.S. from coast to coast. Yes, straight men are flocking to spread their wings to show off their sexy selves in pretty under garments.
With a visit to the Homme Mystere website viewers are welcomed with sensual photos of men having fun and cuddling up with their women as they relax in their frilly lingerie. Panties, G-strings and even male sized bras, garters and frilly babydolls are available for men longing to truly showcase their feminine side. It is now the lady’s turn to have fun picking out sweet lingerie as a sexy gift for their guy to model. Have fun fastening those stockings to the garter belt.
Homme Mystere has been selling lingerie for men for several years proving that there are plenty of men who like the same feel of silk, frills and bows that women do. Since their runway debut in 2013 Homme Mystere has now been brought into the mainstream. Now out of the closet, men can take yet another step towards their sensitive side by showing off their delicious bods to all in their new mangerie.
Women find it sexy when a man is sensitive and is not afraid to demonstrate vulnerability. One should be proud to parade their true self and to never be afraid to dance!