IMAGE Skincare has won me over! I admit it I have joined the many others who have embarked on the endless expeditions of looking for the ultimate potions that will revitalize my appearance. Although it may be difficult to go back in years to reveal a more youthful glow without a time machine my quest brought me to discover the amazing IMAGE Skincare line of products. Just so you are aware I am not being paid to write about Image, this is truly from my heart and my wish to pass on my discovery to the masses.
An impromptu facial using IMAGE Skincare changed my life.
Three years ago I walked into a spa. The esthetician looked at my skin and spoke to me about the IMAGE Skincare line of products that she wanted to use on me. I had had many facials, and with each one I was given the spiel that my skin will be renewed with their special products. I would walk away disappointed once again feeling like I had a layer of gooey cream on my face and not feeling revitalized as promised.
This time was different! The Esthetician analyzed my skin, listened to me and completely understood my unique skin problems. After my Image facial my skin felt clean and alive. I immediately purchased the IMAGE Skincare line recommended for my skin type, their Vital C line of products for sensitive skin, with a touch of the IMAGE Skincare Ageless line tossed into the mix. I went home and from that moment used the products as instructed. Soon the complements came flowing in; “You look amazing! Your skin is glowing! What have you had done”? My answer to all, “Image Skincare, you have to use it!”
Propositions for me to try other elite companies’ products have only proven that IMAGE Skincare stands above the rest.
Yes, with all of my knowledge, I too have been brought in by every promise of regaining my youthful skin and I have the mountain of products stashed away to prove it. As a lifestyle and fashion maven people look at me to check out the products offered and to read my thoughtful advice and opinions. I continue to try new contenders jumping into the ring in the world of the skincare. IMAGE Skincare continues to knock out the competition and I always find myself back to using my IMAGE products.
My admiration for the products brought me to call the IMAGE Skincare offices. I was excited when I was invited to visit and see the place where the magic potions are crafted and packaged up. The beautiful Florida abode housing the office and warehouse is filled with happy and pleasant people clearly enjoying and believing in the company that they work for. One can feel the honesty and integrity that carries IMAGE to a place well above any would-be competitors. Caring, and not money, is the bottom line at IMAGE where they only release products that they believe in and are not afraid to take an item off the shelf in order to improve on its formula.
As an internationally operated company IMAGE stays true to its roots that CEO Janna Ronert founded the company on in 2003; with professional grade products only offered through licensed physicians and estheticians trained and approved by IMAGE, which proves to be the reason making my IMAGE facial an amazing skin changing experience for me. IMAGE goes over and beyond in customer service having estheticians working in every facet to run the company including marketing and answering phones at the call center. The company’s President and Medical Director is Janna Ronert’s husband, Dr. Marc Ronert who is an M.D.as well as a Ph.D. The husband and wife team nurture IMAGE as parents of their precious growing child. The caring company believes in marketing safe and friendly products with no parabens, petrochemicals, nor preservatives and does not use any animals for testing.
As one travels through life’s years the skin changes with stresses, hormonal changes, and dare I say, age. With so very many products out there vowing to reduce wrinkles and bring back youthful looks we eagerly try each new promise as if a fairy godmother will wave her magic wand and instantly smooth away the years of wrinkles. IMAGE Skincare may not have the magic cure but it is welcoming to find a company searching for viable solutions that work and do perform the miracle of making someone feel better. I look forward to getting to know all of the unique IMAGE Skincare products and the people who produce them.
The skin shows the signs of living a life that one should be proud of, so smooth out the unhappy creases and preserve the ones that make you smile. Never be afraid to dance!